Contact person

Management: Christian Burst, Holger Hansen
Company Headquarter
2HM Business Services GmbH
Emmerich-Josef-Str. 5
55116 Mainz

Tel.: +49-61 31 – 61 99 879
Fax : +49-61 31 – 14 37 167

Management: Christian Burst
Commercial registration number: HRB 41581,
Registration court: District court Mainz,
Sales tax identification number in accordance with § 27a of the sales tax law: DE261867663
Contextually responsible in accordance with § 55 RStV: Christian Burst


The text is protected by copyright. The use of text and images – also in part – without the written permission of 2HM Business Services GmbH is liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to reproduction, use in training material or electronic systems. Copyright 2008/2011 2HM Business Services GmbH, Mainz.

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Some websites from 2HM Business Services GmbH also contain data subject to the copyright laws of those parties that have provided it.


2HM Business Services GmbH provides the information published on the website without any assurance or guarantee of any kind, be it either explicit or implied.

We look forward to providing you with an offer!

Please send us your nonbinding request!

+49-6131-61 99 879

You can reach our team Mon. - Fri. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm